Something new from the studio!
"KGs War Zone" is a Richly shaded Liver Sorrel Rabicano-Sabino American Warmblood Stallion. Completed on the Breyer Stablemate G2 Warmblood mold. he has loads of details including a very crisp & clean pattern. $55. + Shipping for this lovely fellow.
"KGs Spring Fever" is a wildly spotted Liver Chestnut Blanket Appalosoa Mare. She is loaded with Appaloosa Characteristics as well. She is done on the Breyer Stablemate G2 Thoroughbred mold. This little mare is currently on hold though the month of May, if she's not paid for by the end she will be back up for sale. Listed at $55. + shipping
Tibbi Searchers "Pete" resin, a lovely little grade draft gelding in stablemate scale. Im painting him a wild Dapple Tobiano and he will be for sale as "KGs Silver Cadet" for about $200 - $250. Havnt decided yet. Make me an offer and get your money down now if you wish to hold him.